Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Talk of the Town - ARR

What is a blog without mentioning Oscars and ARR and ofcourse Pookutty ( funny name ya!).

There are only 4 comments you hear from Indians
1. SDM is not ARRs best performance ( Ok, so what !)
2. Illaiyaraja deserves an Oscar ( Okaay, okay, so what ! .. with all due respect and love to isaigyani)
3. Why is Oscar so important to us ( adangappa niruthungapa unga polambala)
4. Arguments on how they have portrayed slums in Mumbai, is it that bad, how we have progressed..blah blah blah blah

For the moment, we have won 3 Oscars, yes that many. We had a man stand up in the stage and speak in Tamil. Relish this moment, enjoy the glory ( I made it a point to mention Oscars to all my colleagues, then about ARR and then translate what he said in Tamil…it was a WOW moment)

So friends and family lets take a moment to say wooo hoooo !


Reagan Fernando said...

Thats right mate...Its most definitely a great achievement for an artist(ARR) by which all Tamilians should be proud of...So am I....

Being proud of it I shud also mentioned that only since cos of the international banner this movie was highlighted so much globally...If it wud've been produced n directed with an Indian team I definteley doubt its success...

Overall I'm glad and happy abt ARR's success....

Amigo said...

Applause more applause bravo nothing more to add then to join as they say in tamil "thalai aati poommai"....

Unknown said...


Everyone forgot poor Resul Pookutty. I liked his acceptance speech so much more.